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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Retiring Products and Accessories

There are more retiring products to tell you about. These two lists are pretty long (and I'll admit to being a little more than confused ...) The new catalogue must be full of aMAZing new products as there are TONS of awesome products being retired or re-vamped.

First up is the Retiring Definitely Decorative list. ALL the Decor Elements products are going! There are some beautiful decals here that won't be available after June 1 so snap them up now! Here is a PDF with the list of products on it and here is a link to my on-line store where you can purchase these items now.

Next up is the SUPER LONG list of Retiring Accessories. I was expecting the 2010-2012 In Colours papers and accessories to go but I must admit I was not expecting some of the other items. Here is the PDF link for that list as well as a link for my on-line store. They have separate sections for each category of retiring products so take a moment and browse around.

Have fun shopping!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting that :) I'm going to check it out with my morning coffee :)
    have a lovely weekend
